25 May 2006

Nice Try, Slick Davy: We Ain't Buying Your Crap

Above: Representative David Dreier (R-CA)--so handsome (lol) yet so flawed...

Republican Representative David Dreier (CA-Glendora) is breaking ranks with Jorge Bush on the immigration issue. He is standing "tough" against a watered-down bill, which is expected to pass the House of Old Farts (US Senate) today.

Nice try, dude. You have been pro-illegal aliens for twenty years. This last-minute conversion doesn't hold water.

KFI radio shock jocks John and Ken have been breathing down Dreier's neck, and he is facing a tough re-election battle this year.

So out comes Tough Dave. Hah!

Unfortunately for us, there are enough voting dolts and morons in the Glendora district to buy Slick Dave's crap, and he will be returned to the House in November...

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