24 April 2010

Silver Lining in this Massive Recession: Union Thugs Losing Grounds

For years, the public-sector union thugs, in their ubiquitous Barney-the-purple-dinosaur oversized t-shirts (talk about no taste!), have fleeced the public treasuries at the city, county, state and federal levels. Paper cuts become putative life-threatening illnesses which result in six-week, paid sick leave. One union thug even told a manager that her mysterious medical condition only permitted her to carry objects weighing less than six ounces! Other thugs have skipped work to run personal errands or to moonlight on side jobs while on government time.

And the spineless administrators, who are ever so fearful of lawsuits and jury trials, have usually caved in to union demands and threats like a Chinese coal mine.

With the current massive recession, however, the public is angry about exorbitant union pay and benefits. Members of the public who are being fleeced are in no mood to put up with these union thugs' mischief. Loud demands for pay and pension reform are heard throughout the country! Finally, this recession is going to do to the union thugs what the corrupt politicos were supposed to do a long time ago: rein in union abuses of the public purses.

In the long run, this massive recession may prove to be a good development...

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