13 February 2008

the economics of love

Reprinted with permission from Michael Henchard.

May 15, 2004

My friends don’t ever stop trying to set me up. It’s like they can’t stand seeing me happily single.

Over the weekend, I was introduced to a drop-dead gorgeous girl by naively officious friends. The woman is waay out of my league. She has the face and curves of an A&F model, and I have a face for radio.

So I have been thinking, which is always a bit dangerous. Why is a beautiful girl like her still single? The Efficient Market Theory (EMT) says that she should have been taken off the dating/marriage market by some millionaires or hot jocks a long time ago.

What does the market know about Miss Gorgeous that I don’t? Either she’s extremely difficult to get along with, or she may have mental or (invisible) physical defects. The EMT is rarely wrong about market conditions, and believe you me, the dating/marriage market is as robust as it gets, even more so than the stock market…

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