16 February 2021

Only the Elites are Benefiting

 The African-American intellectual, Economist Thomas Sowell, saw it coming 50 years ago.  He said, then, that affirmative action only benefited those who least deserved it.  And he went on to prove it using impeccable economic logic.

Half a century later, we're still at it, which only goes to show that the laws of economics and economic behaviour are just as enduring as those of thermodynamics.

In light of last summer's riots and sudden wokeness, my African-American friends and colleagues have been inundated with excellent job offers.  The few honest ones confess that they are not ready for these executive roles, even as aggressive recruiters try to convince them otherwise.

These friends and colleagues of mine, all well educated and privileged, don't need these job offers.  Those who need jobs and opportunities are the less privileged blacks who don't have the education, training, or experiences needed to break into solid, middle-class jobs.  But Corporate America is not going to offer these needy folks good jobs because doing so hurts the bottom line.  So, they do what all good liberals have been trained to do:  virtue-signal that they are good people by creating equity officer and diversity officer positions that could be shoved to the side of an org chart.  In fact, to these corporate titans, it's just play-acting.  

Oh, they will pay these lucky folks very well and give them generous titles like VP of Diversity or Chief Equity Officer.  To Corporate America, it's just a budgeted cost of doing business in this new environment of wokeness.

In the meantime, nothing has changed or will ever change.  The few elites will benefit greatly, and the large majority of blacks keep waiting for their turn at the American Dream.

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